Chess for people who are good at computers and bad at chess.
Improving Type Safety with ts-json-validator
Let JSON play nicely with Typescript using ts-json-validator.
Taking Types Too Far
Herein we check the Collatz conjecture using only Typescript’s type system.
TINE-CNN Augmentation
TINE-CNN Augmentation (pronounced Tiny-CNN Augmentation) is a new way to perform automatic data augmentation for any image classification task.
Do Basketball Referees Favor the Losing Team?
Basketball fans love a close game. A nail-biter with fifteen lead changes is much more fun to watch than a blowout. But do the refs like close games as much as the rest of us?
Demystifying Ghost
My mother loves words. To this day, she insists that I should become a poet. During a road trip when I was little, she introduced me to a game called Ghost, and we would play all the time.