The Repository of Ill-Advised Ventures

A personal collection of items from times people should have known better. An assortment of totems from fraudulent, silly, or just plain incompetent ventures, especially around Silicon Valley.

Q Bio

I run the Platform Engineering team at Q Bio, where we’re trying to change medicine from an art to a science.


Many of my recent projects live inside Vanta, where I was the first engineer and spent four years trying to make internet security less hard.

Song Game

Name-that-tune over the internet.


Chess for people who are good at computers and bad at chess.


Let JSON play nicely with Typescript.


Winternitz one-time signatures, but you (probably) don’t totally break security if you accidentally use the same key twice

Baseball predictions

Back in college, I – along with a couple of friends – put together a scheme to predict baseball scores. It worked pretty well.

Everything else

See my Github profile